Tuesday, 28 July 2009

The Blaxhall Garden

We're in Blaxhall; "SUFFOLK", Lyn is shouting over my right shoulder, cos I keep getting the county wrong.

The garden where we are staying has two Buddliea's and they are covered with butterflies. I feel there's a layout coming here and I can hear Martha Stewart yelling "use my butterfly punch", so I will. I can't get over how many butterflies there are in the garden. If I said there are 100 I would not be lying. They are stunning.

We are trying to find out all their names and are looking through next door's Butterfly books. We've found a Harry, a Tom and two Georges, a Miriam, a Fred and a Mabel.

Sprinkles of Love x

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your trip Jayne, sounds like the most perfect garden - beautiful photo of the butterfly - look forward to seeing your LO :)
